
On April 11, the literary contest “The World of Lovers” was held, dedicated to the Day of Lovers of Kozy Korpesh-Bayan Sulu. The event was attended by students in pairs from different institutes. The event consisted of 3 rounds. In the first round, the couples presented themselves, in the second they showed their creative skills, and in the third they answered questions and consolidated their knowledge. The best couple in the nomination “Kozy-Bayan” were Nurlanov Meyrlan and Sagidullayeva Dilnaz from the Institute of Agrotechnology, in the nomination “Creative couple” became Nurtaev Asylzhan and Yesengalieva Amina from the Industrial and Technological Institute, in the nomination “Audience Sympathy” became Abenov Azilkhan and Serikkalieva Aisha from the Institute of «Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry». All participants of the competition were awarded with memorable gifts.
