60 years of Zhangir Khan University: (1963-2023). History. Tradition. Novelty / ed. by A.M. Nametov. – Ural: Zhangir khan agrarian and technical university, 2023. – 356 p.
The book tells about the 60-year history of the formation and development of Zhangir khan agrarian and technical university, the largest agricultural and technical university in the western region of the country, about the current state and prospects of development. This anniversary collection is intended for all readers interested in the history of higher agricultural and technical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, practices and achievements of the team.

Zhangir khan’s Sarah way / Ed. A.M. Nametov. – Uralsk: WKATU named after Zhangir Khan, 2023. – 248 P.
The book tells about the life and work of retired veterans who left a significant mark in the history of Zhangir khan agrarian and technical university, ensured its dynamic development, continue teaching today, about the contribution of teachers in leading positions of administrative and managerial staff and graduates-the pride of the university in the development of the economy of the state and the region.The collection, released for the 60th anniversary of the university, is dedicated to all readers.

50 years of West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. Years. Lit. Achievements (1963-2013) ed.) / K. K. Bozumov et al.]. – Ural: Zhangir Khan State Technical University, 2013. – 346 p.
The book tells about the 50-year history of formation and development, the current state and prospects for future development of the Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical university, the largest agrarian and technical university in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Western region of the country.

West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical university named after Zhangir khan. 50 years old.: YEARS. PERSONALITIES. ACHIEVEMENTS (1963-2013) / ed. by K. K. Bozym [et al.]. – Uralsk : Zhangir khan agrarian and technical university, 2013. – 329 p.
The book tells about the 50-year history of formation and development, the current state and prospects of the largest agricultural and technical university of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the western region of the country – West Kazakhstan agrarian and technical university named after Zhangir khan.

The history of ZKATU in persons: a reference book / ed. by K. K. Bozumov [et al.]. – Ural: WKATU named after Zhangir Khan 2013. – 168 p.
The reference book “The History of the University in persons”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary, contains brief information about prominent scientists and talented teachers who entered the “golden” fund of the university, about their achievements in science and training. They stood at the origins of the formation and development of the university.

Bibliographic index of scientific works of scientists of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan =Uralsk: West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan, 2013. – 353 p.-Kazakh, Russian.
The sixth issue of the bibliographic index of the proceedings of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan includes works for 2008-2012. It includes collections of scientific conferences, textbooks and manuals, monographs, electronic textbooks, scientific articles and methodological manuals, abstracts of dissertations, master’s abstracts, patents, materials about the university, its history, scientists, students.

West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan: history and modernity (1963-2008) / K. K. Bozymov [et al.]. – Turkestan: A.Yasawi IKTU, 2008. – 244 p.
The book is devoted to the 45-year history of formation, the current state and prospects of Zhangir Khan Agrarian and Technical University – the largest agricultural and technical university of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is intended for those who are interested in the history, present and future of higher agricultural and technical education in Western Kazakhstan.

West Kazakhstan Agrarian technical university after Zhangir khan: advertising booklet / Ed. G. K. Moldashev. – Uralsk: [B. I.], 2008. – 23 p.
The promotional brochure is dedicated to the 45-year history of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. Brief information on the development strategy, structure, and faculties of the university is given, published in Kazakh, Russian and English. It is intended for a wide range of readers.

Worship of a feat: a collection of lives. Book 1: on the West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan / B. B. Traisov [et al.]; edited by K. K. Bozumov. – Ural: “Saga”, 2005. – 168 P.
The collection includes articles about veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers who worked at the West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. As well as about the veterans whose children work here today. This book was published in order to perpetuate the memory of future generations of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers and to foster patriotism in the heroic spirit of front-line soldiers.

West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan: The history of formation and development / Bozymov, K. K. [et al.]. – Uralsk : ZKATU, 2003. – 160 p.
The book is devoted to the history of the formation, development and current state of ZKATU – the largest agricultural and technical university of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is intended not only for graduates, students, applicants, teachers and university staff, but also for those who are interested in the history of the formation of higher agricultural engineering education in Western Kazakhstan.

Bibliographic index of scientific works of scientists of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. Uralsk: West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan, 2023. – 236 p.-Kazakh, Russian.
The eighth issue of the bibliographic index of scientific works of scientists of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University named afterZhangir Khan covers 2018-2022. The publication includes collections of scientific conferences, educational literature, monographs, electronic textbooks, scientific articles, abstracts of dissertations, author’s certificates and patents, information about the university.