Bible Night-2023

On October 31, the social and cultural event «Библионочь-2023» was held at the «Parasat» IEC. The special guests of the event were the scientific secretary of the West Kazakhstan Museum of Local History, head of the «DANA» center Zhantas Safullin and blogger, traveler Temirlan Mukashev. The event was opened by vice-rector for educational and social work Akylbek Sultanov, he noted that this is a traditional event dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Zhangir Khan ZKATU, and invited young people to take an active part in it. During the meeting with the guests of the evening, teachers and students listened to the historical and educational stories of local historian Zhantas Safullin in the coworking center, and in the neighboring hall of the center they learned about the interesting trips of traveler Temirlan Mukashev. During the evening, everyone could take part in master classes from the creative studios “Laysan” and “Sunshine”, quest and board games, as well as intellectual games «Жүзден жүйрік, мыңнан тұлпар»,”Book&Safe”, “Bubble Battle”. The participants of the event answered various educational questions and received prizes.
