« Ańyzǵa aınalǵan ushqysh qyz » was named for 100 years since the day of independence of the people’s hero of the RK Hiuaz Dospanov.

«Qazaqtyń jaryq juldyzy» pointed to the 100th anniversary of hero of the soviet union Manshuk Mametova

(Scientific works of scientists of the West Kazakhstan agrarian technical university named after Zhangir Khan. The eighth issue 2018-2022.)

A new impetus for development (recommended topics of literature in russian and kazakh languages)

The recommendation book 17 in the framework of the « Jańa gýmanıtarlyq bilim. Qazaq tilindegi 100 jańa oqýlyq ».

Books within the framework of « Rýhanı jańǵyrý » Kóshbasshy bolýdyń qupıalary (self-awareness, competitiveness, motivation)
